Parents and Carers

We want to work with you so that together we can equip your young people with the knowledge and skills they need to succeed.

We want to:

  • Encourage your child to be ambitious and open their eyes to possible future career choices
  • Create opportunities for your child to flourish and thrive 
  • Support your child to develop the skills they need to progress into their future career choice

 If you want to know about how we can support you or you have any questions please contact us: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

"The Cardiff Commitment Team play a very important role in providing opportunities for all children and young people across the city. Working together in partnership with them offers my young people access to the most amazing experiences and support, which can have a significant impact on improving their chances post 16."

Craig Bartlett

Make a Pledge!

If you're an employer and you're interested in working together to create opportunities for young people then please, join us and pledge your support!